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€700.00 (Negotiable)

Bichon/Shih Tzu/Pug Puppies in Carrick-On-Shannon

  • Bichon/Shih Tzu/Pug Puppies in Carrick-On-Shannon
  • Bichon/Shih Tzu/Pug Puppies in Carrick-On-Shannon
  • Bichon/Shih Tzu/Pug Puppies in Carrick-On-Shannon
Price : €700.00 (Negotiable)
Date : March 17, 2022
Breed : Bichon frise
Date of Birth : June 4, 2021
Current Age: 3 years, 9 month, 10 days (More info)
Colour : White
Temperament : Active
Country of Origin : Ireland
Number of dogs (Male) : 1
Number of dogs (Female) : 2
IKC registered : No
Wormed : Yes
Vaccinated : Yes
Neutered : No
Microchips :
Click on the microchip numbers to verify
1. 972274001311212
2. 972274001311211
3. 972274001311213
Location : Carrick-On-Shannon, County Leitrim, Ireland

3 beautiful pups for sale

3 beautiful pups for sale. Bishonn/shitzu/pug, the mother is a bishop/shitzu and the farther is pug the pups are 8 week’s 5 days old there is 2 female pups and 1 male pup they are vaccinated and microchipped and have all paper work and certificates required details of micro chips are as follows:





Feel free to send me a what’s app our call 087 170 3807

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal


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