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€1,500.00 (Negotiable)

Coton de Tulear Puppies for Sale in Naas

  • Coton de Tulear Puppies for Sale in Naas
  • Coton de Tulear Puppies for Sale in Naas
  • Coton de Tulear Puppies for Sale in Naas
  • Coton de Tulear Puppies for Sale in Naas
Price : €1,500.00 (Negotiable)
Date : September 28, 2021
Breed : Coton de Tulear
Date of Birth : July 24, 2021
Current Age: 3 years, 7 month, 22 days (More info)
Colour : White
Temperament : Affectionate
Height (in cms) : 20
Country of Origin : Ireland
Number of dogs (Male) : 0
Number of dogs (Female) : 3
IKC registered : No
Wormed : Yes
Vaccinated : Yes
Neutered : No
Microchips :
Click on the microchip numbers to verify
1. 981020002302937
2. 981020002296920
3. 981020002296911
Location : Naas

Coton de tulear Naas

Coton de tulear Naas IrelandI have 3 Adorable Coton de Tulear puppies . Both their mother and father can be seen as they are our family pets . Coton’s are really intelligent little dogs .Their hair is so soft and easily managed . They are easily trained and love meeting people . They are fully vaccinated , chipped and have been wormed regularly since birth . All they need is lots of cuddles

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal


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