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€1,500.00 (Negotiable)

Irish Wolfhound Pups for Sale in Templemore

  • Irish Wolfhound Pups for Sale in Templemore
  • Irish Wolfhound Pups for Sale in Templemore
Price : €1,500.00 (Negotiable)
Date : June 17, 2023
Breed : Irish wolfhound
Date of Birth : January 1, 1970
Current Age: 55 years, 2 month, 13 days (More info)
Number of dogs (Male) : 1
Number of dogs (Female) : 2
IKC registered : Yes
Wormed : Yes
Vaccinated : Yes
Neutered : No
Microchips :
Click on the microchip numbers to verify
1. 981098108849215
2. 981098108849083
3. 981098108842824
Location : Templemore

irish Wolfhound Pups

Irish Wolfhound Pups:

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