Current Age: 2 years, 9 month, 15 days (More info)
Minimum age for selling pups in Ireland
Legally, puppies need to be at least 8 weeks old and completely weaned prior to when they can be sold and leave their mothers. Puppies can be advertised for sale prior to the 8 weeks, however not sold. Nearer to 12 weeks is suggested for separating the puppie(s) from its mom.
This ad shows that the date of birth is June 2, 2022, by adding another 8 weeks to the D.O.B means the earliest legal date of sale is on Thursday, July 28, 2022.
This can be seen in the Animal Health and Welfare (Sale or Supply of Pet Animals) Regulations Act of 2019 Section 3.
Click on the microchip numbers to verify
1. 972274200261081
2. 972274200261061
3. 972274200261113
4. 972274200261070
Sell or supply 6 or more dogs in a year
It is the law now, that if you supply or sell 6 or more dogs in a calendar year, then you are now required by law to immediately register with the Department of Agriculture so as to become a legitimate seller of pets/dogs!
Registered sellers are now legally required to now store records of who and when they sell dogs/pups to, along with other things!
Your Registered seller ID is now required to be included in all your ads, and this includes ads that are online and offline. This 6 dogs count will also include gifts of dogs or pups to family members!
traditional Straight Back German Shepherds
Traditional Straight Back German Shepherds Pups For Sale. irish Kennel Club Registered Vaccinated Microchipped Wormed Up Date.
These Are Very Big Strong Boned Pups. The Pups Are Well Socialised Handled By Children Confident And Brought Up In A Farm Environment. The Pups Are From The Best Working Dog Lines. We Have Dogs Working In All Disciplines Including With Special Needs Children. Both Parents Are Family Pets. Father Is A Very Big Heavy Bond God, The Mother Is A Very Big Dog Too, Both Dogs Have Extremely Good Temperaments. I Have Been Breething For Over 14 Years, We Have Had Nothing Only The Best Of Feedback About Our Dogs. No Time Wasters Blocked Numbers Please
086 8349871
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal
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