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  • XL Bully
  • XL Bully
  • XL Bully
  • XL Bully
  • XL Bully
Price : €2,000.00 (Negotiable)
Date : February 4, 2022
Breed : American bully
Date of Birth : November 7, 2021
Current Age: 3 years, 3 month, 29 days (More info)
Temperament : Affectionate
Number of dogs (Male) : 1
Number of dogs (Female) : 4
IKC registered : No
Wormed : Yes
Vaccinated : Yes
Neutered : No
Microchips :
Click on the microchip numbers to verify
1. 972274000490992
2. 972274000490999
3. 972274000490997
4. 972274000490993
5. 972274000490998
Location : Thurles

XL Bully

American XL bullies, 3 months old (we have been waiting on the ABKC registration to return before advertising). Four bitches and one male. Both parents registered with ABKC, imported from top quality bloodlines. These are the real deal, not your beefed up staffys people claim to be bullies. Beautiful colouring, really eye-catching and should reach between 50 kg and 60 kg or higher when fully grown.


Please call 0851215074


The dad is over 60kgs.


Photos taken at 6 weeks. Can share updated photos on Whatsapp. Please contact 0851215074

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal


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